The First Semester Awards Assembly



The first Semester Award Assembly has been scheduled in Multi-Purpose Rooms as follows:

Grade 5Th                       Monday, January 29, 2024       8:15 a.m.      Rooms 4, 5 and 28

Grades 2nd & 3rd           Tuesday, January 30, 2024        8:15 a.m.      Rooms 6, 9, 27 and 21

Grades Kinder & 1st       Wednesday, January 31, 2024    8:15 a.m.      Rooms 1 and 25

Grade 4Th                                                                         1:45 p.m.      Rooms 3, 22 and 23

UTK & Pre K                Thursday , February 1, 2024.    8:15 a.m.      Rooms K1, K2, K3 and 20